We know Christmas shopping can be a chore, but don't worry the City of Mt Zion Christmas Celebration is here to help you!!!! Come out to shop our Christmas Craft Show on November 23rd from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Mt Zion City Gym. We also know that all that shopping can make you hungry too, again no worries, we have plenty of food vendors to keep you moving to finish up those Christmas lists. Don't forget we will be having our Lighted Christmas Parade at 6:00 p.m. and some very special guests too!!!! So don't miss out on all the fun.
Mount Zion 2024 Vendors for our Christmas Celebration:
Fine As Shine BBQ
Donnie’s Delights
Kindled With Fire
Cotton Candy Girls
Mr Langley's Boiled Peanuts
Ken's Firehouse Fav's
It's A Tropical Thang Sweets
Fredskins Pork Skins & Wheat Chips
Fam's Barbeque & Desserts
West Georgia Regional Library System book mobile
Haralson County Animal Shelter
The Snuggle Factory
Mt Zion Back Porch
Colehouse Treats
Glass House Gateways
Becca's Jams & Jellies
Cyndy Oney Paintings
Klh Retail
CH Jewelry
Happy Heifers
Stellar Presses
Sugary Sweets Boutique
Treasures from Below
Grandma's Goodies & Gifts
The Nutty Scotsman Kettle Corn and Peanuts
Bren Crochet LLC
Allison's Sweets LLC
Ryker & Grace Candle Co.
Macy's Mac's Loops & Hoops
Hurston Design
Mother Hustlr
The Little Teal Homestead
Mandy's Meats & Treats
Mr & Mrs Morris Homemade Potholders
Flaca Acres Farm
Joho’s Scents
Nancy Langley Old Fashioned Candy
